Highlander MM, Allen JM, & Elbasiouny SM (2020). Meta-analysis of biological variables’ impact on spinal motoneuron electrophysiology data. J Neurophysiology, 123: 1380-1391.

Elbasiouny SM and Mousa MH (2020). Morphologically-detailed Cellular and Pool Motoneuron Models. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (Jaeger D, Jung R, eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: SpringerReference.

Abdelaal AY, Mousa M, Gamal M, Elbasiouny SM, Eldawlatly S (2020). A Classification Approach to Recognize the Firing of Spinal Motoneurons in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Montreal, Canada.

Mahrous AA, Mousa MH, & Elbasiouny SM (2019). The mechanistic basis for successful spinal cord stimulation to generate steady motor outputs. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 13:359-374.
(electrophysiology, modeling)

Gamal M, Mousa MH, Eldawlatly S, & Elbasiouny SM (2018). Automated Cell-Type Classification and Death-Detection of Spinal Motoneurons. 9th Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC), Cairo, Egypt, December 2018, pp. 68: IEEE.
(data analytics, modeling)

Dukkipati SS, Garrett TL, and Elbasiouny SM (2018) The vulnerability of spinal motoneurons and soma size plasticity in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, J Physiol.
(immunohistochemistry, modeling)

Allen JM and Elbasiouny SM (2018) The effects of model composition design choices on high-fidelity simulations of motoneuron recruitment and firing behaviors, J Neural Eng.

Mahrous AM and Elbasiouny SM (2018) Modulation of SK channels regulates locomotor alternating bursting activity in the functionally-mature spinal cord, Channels.

Elbasiouny SM (2017) Cross-Disciplinary Medical Advances with Neuroengineering: Challenges Spur Development of Unique Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Interventions, IEEE Pulse.

V-Ghaffari B, Kouhnavard M, and Elbasiouny SM (2017) Mixed-mode oscillations in pyramidal neurons under antiepileptic drug conditions, PLoS ONE.

Mahrous AM and Elbasiouny SM (2017) SK channel inhibition mediates the initiation and amplitude modulation of synchronized burst firing in the spinal cord, J Neurophysiology.

Dukkipati SS, Chihi A, Wang Y, and Elbasiouny SM (2017) Experimental Design and Data Analysis Issues Contribute to Inconsistent Results of C-Bouton Changes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. eNeuro.

Mousa MH, Kandil AH, and Elbasiouny SM (2016) Simulation of dendritic L-type ca channels' warm-up phenomenon in spinal motoneurons. The 8th Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC), Cairo, Egypt, December 2016, pp. 31-34: IEEE

Jiang MC*, Elbasiouny SM*, Collins WF, 3rd, Heckman CJ (2015) The transformation of synaptic to system plasticity in motor output from the sacral cord of the adult mouse. J Neurophysiol 114:1987-2004.
*: shared first authorship
(electrophysiology, modeling)

Elbasiouny SM (2014) Development of modified cable models to simulate accurate neuronal active behaviors. J Appl Physiol 117:1243-1261.

Delestree N, Manuel M, Iglesias C, Elbasiouny SM, Heckman CJ, Zytnicki D (2014) Adult spinal motoneurones are not hyperexcitable in a mouse model of inherited amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Physiol 592:1687-1703.

Elbasiouny SM (2014) Morphologically Detailed Motoneuron Models. . In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (Jaeger D, Jung R, eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: SpringerReference (www.springerreference.com).

Quinlan KA, Elbasiouny SM, Heckman CJ (2012) Molecular and electrical abnormalities in the mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. In: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Maurer MH, ed): InTech.

Powers RK, Elbasiouny SM, Rymer WZ, Heckman CJ (2012) Contribution of intrinsic properties and synaptic inputs to motoneuron discharge patterns: a simulation study. J Neurophysiol 107:808-823.

Manuel M, Li Y, Elbasiouny SM, Murray K, Griener A, Heckman CJ, Bennett DJ (2012) NMDA induces persistent inward and outward currents that cause rhythmic bursting in adult rodent motoneurons. J Neurophysiol 108:2991-2998.

Elbasiouny SM, Quinlan KA, Eissa TL, Heckman CJ (2012) Electrophysiological abnormalities in SOD1 transgenic models in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: The commonalities and differences. In: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Maurer MH, ed): InTech.

Elbasiouny SM, Schuster JE (2011) The Effect of Training on Motoneuron Survival in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Which Motoneuron Type is Saved? Front Physiol 2:18.
- This article was recognized by Frontiers to be among the highest performing articles in Frontiers based on the number of views and downloads

Elbasiouny SM, Moroz D, Bakr MM, Mushahwar VK (2010) Management of Spasticity After Spinal Cord Injury: Current Techniques and Future Directions. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 24:23-33.
- This article was featured on MDLinx.com website and was summarized by the physician editor.

Elbasiouny SM, Schuster JE, Heckman CJ (2010) Persistent inward currents in spinal motoneurons: Important for normal function but potentially harmful after spinal cord injury and in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol 121:1669-1679.
- This article was featured on the journal's cover page.

Elbasiouny SM, Amendola J, Durand J, Heckman CJ (2010) Evidence from computer simulations for alterations in the membrane biophysical properties and dendritic processing of synaptic inputs in mutant superoxide dismutase-1 motoneurons. J Neurosci 30:5544-5558.

Elbasiouny SM, Mushahwar VK (2007) Modulation of motoneuronal firing behavior after spinal cord injury using intraspinal microstimulation current pulses: a modeling study. J Appl Physiol 103:276-286.

- This article was ranked by the Journal of Physiology (London) among the Top 10 Research Papers published in that issue of the journal based on the number of electronic access and downloads.

Elbasiouny SM, Bennett DJ, Mushahwar VK (2005) Simulation of Dendritic Cav1.3 Channels in Cat Lumbar Motoneurons: Spatial Distribution. J Neurophysiol 94:3961-3974.